A testimonial from a college student raised on family worship.
Ever since I can remember, every day in our household ended with family worship, from pre-school to the night before I left for college. As a child, family worship showed me that my family did not simply go to church on Sundays, nor did I just go to a school that talked about God in chapel, but I lived in a family that walked with Jesus every single day. A night of family worship would look like all the children piling onto mom’s and dad's bed, where we would read some scripture or a daily devotional and engage in conversation about what we had just read. Then we would talk about––the things we were thankful for, and the hard things we had faced that day - and we always ended in prayer together.

Family worship was the most important thing I could have experienced under my parent's watch. Now as a junior in college, it is so apparent to me that whether I was privately schooled, home-schooled, or enrolled in public high school (yes, I attended all three), in seasons where I was surrounded by Christian peers or had none at all, I always had a family who desired to know me and what I struggled with. At every step of my journey, having a place where my parents could hear me, pour into me, and point me to the ONE TRUE hope for my days convinced me that I was never alone–Jesus would never leave me, and I would always have his disciples to help me follow him. Looking back now as a young man, family worship was one of the things that changed everything for me.
Preston S. is a Junior at Texas A&M University studying business. Gig ‘em.